Articles of Association
Deutsch-orientalische Gesellschaft für Bildung e.V.
The future of any culture lies in education. Only committed promotion of this vital asset empowers progress. Conscious of the exceptional significance of education as a central theme in the past and the future, citizens from diverse countries have founded the GERMAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION/DEUTSCH-ORIENTALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR BILDUNG in order to promote networking of the diverse educational traditions. The society functions as a privately organised, non-profit association.
§ 1
Name, location, business year
(1) The society operates under the name DEUTSCH-ORIENTALISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR BILDUNG (GERMAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION). The society will be entered in the register of associations, which will be indicated by the suffix 'e.V.'.
(2) The society is based in Wiesbaden.
(3) The business year is the calendar year.
§ 2
(1) The society exclusively and directly pursues non-profit, academic objectives within the framework of its purpose under these articles of association in the sense of §§ 51 ff AO (Revenue Code).
(2) The society pursues the objective of academic cooperation between German universities and international universities in Arab countries, Turkey, Iran and India. The society promotes academic education and research.
These objectives are to be achieved in particular through:
A) academic educational exchange in international university cooperation and within the society
B) faculty related cooperation between German universities and international universities at the level of the professors, doctoral students and student exchanges, including mediation and support
C) cooperation with institutes particularly suited to the promotion of academic exchange between the Arab states and Germany
D) promotion and support, academic events, symposiums, lectures and joint research projects
E) support for the cooperation of universities in the Oriental region among each other to promote research and education
F) promotion and generation of publications, especially in the area of mutual academic stimulus of the Orient and the Occident within the objectives of the society
G) encouragement, support and organisation of personal meetings and the exchange of academics in the sense of § 53 AO
H) reinforcement of the academic reputation of German universities and research institutes in the Arab countries,
I) expansion of the German-language departments of academic literature in the Arab university libraries to emphasize the German contribution to the development of education in the region
J) tangible support in the form of materials and development support for institutions and educational facilities, which serve learning
(3) The society operates without self-interest; it does not primarily pursue commercial objectives.
(4) All of the society’s funds must be used exclusively for the purposes specified by these articles. Society posts are honorary. The members do not receive any payments from the society funds and have no claim to society assets.
(5) No one may benefit from disbursements that are outside the scope of the objectives of the society, or disproportionately high.
§ 3
(1) Members of the society can be natural persons or legal entities or associations of individuals.
§ 4
Board of Directors
(1) The Board of Directors consists of
- Chairperson
- Deputy Chairperson
- Treasurer and
- up to six additional members
The Board of Directors appoints the Society Secretary from among its number.
(2) The Board of Directors is responsible for all matters related to the society, other than matters delegated to another body of the society by the articles. Individual expenses in excess of € 10,000 require the approval of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees or his/her Deputy.
§ 8
Contributions and donations
(1) The members pay annual contributions as set by the meeting of the members.
The foundation meeting on 31 March 2009 decided that the annual contributions would be as follows: minimum contribution for single members € 60, together with partner € 90, students € 25, companies/legal entities € 450.